I am a Mexican woman with a Caucasian twist. I guess that would be, what? A Mexicasian? YES! LOL! However, I didn't grow up speaking Spanish, or eating Latin inspired dishes very often. I didn't appreciate my tan skin, and wished for blonde hair and lighter skin like everyone else I knew. I grew up in a very southern and loving family. I didn't know what a tamale was, but I knew what grits were and loved them! Growing up, I had questions about my past, and also about my present. I was frustrated at the fact that my DNA matched no one I called family, and couldn't quite understand why I felt as if something wasn't quite fitting.
My Family |
See, I was born in Texas to a young woman who was scared to death, and a young man who had no clue. They parted ways, and somehow I ended up at a grandmother's house. Thanks to Grandma I was fed, clothed, and cared for, so much so that she was able to come to the wise conclusion that I needed more care than she could give. A couple in Florida heard through friends and family that there was little girl in Texas that needed a home. After much thought, they decided that they were that family. They adopted me as their own. They welcomed me in with abandon, saw to it that I always knew my story, and encouraged me to embrace it. They celebrated adoption, and put no boundaries on the definition of family. Later, I found out that my mother had kept in touch with that grandmother I mentioned for all that time! She was letting her know that she had made the right choice, and that I was loved. I would even write to her on occasion. From the moment she placed me into my mother's arms until she breathed her last breath, she knew I was loved, and that God had very special plans for my life. She was right. He did.
My Man |
My Babies |
God used adoption as a major game-changer for me. I now have a family of my own, I have been married to an amazing man going on 18 years, we have 6 awesome children, I speak a little Spanglish, and love me some Mexican food! Oh! And those questions of belonging I had struggled with for so long? I found my biological parents, and all my questions were answered. I hung up the phone knowing exactly where I belonged - I had been there all along.
Life doesn't always go the way we plan, but I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful that my journey involved a family in Florida with a heart big enough for me, and an elderly woman with wisdom and strength. I'm thankful that God always draws out the best from what seems to be a bad situation. He's good like that. I'm looking towards the future with anticipation. My hope is secured, and I can't wait to see what's in store! Let's embrace the journey! Whether you're a Mexicasian like me, or some other blend of wonderful, may we walk with our heads held high. We are His masterpiece, after all!
Happy National Adoption Month, Beautiful!