I haven't blogged in almost a year! So much has happened, yet many things have remained the same. In case you're new to the blog, I am 35 years old, a wife, and a mother to six. I love God, love music, obviously love family, and am a free-spirited, artsy-type on the inside, but have realized that we thrive on routine and organization on the outside. That took a while to figure out, but it's true. We have also attempted to become somewhat minimalists in the home this year. This is difficult with a family of eight I am realizing. Though we only have a specific number of outfits, small amount of toys, and certain number of shoes, life is still lived and messes are still made. Toddlers still pee their pants, toys still get played with, and meals still leave dishes to clean. It has not come naturally, and by no means have I mastered it, but we are on our way.

This past year I discovered many things. Some about myself, and some about the world around me. A few of the things I discovered were life changing! For example, Audible! I love to read, but I haven't completed a book in years! After I started having kids, I would read while I was nursing the baby. Then a few kids later I was chasing toddlers while nursing, so that was out. Then there was a season when I would try to read at night, but again, large family life had me passing out if I sat still for longer than 30 minutes. However, Audible allows me to be productive while listening to books. I love it! I can listen to a book and knit at the same time! It's amazing. Oh, I started knitting in the last year also. I always wanted to try it, so this year I did! I love that too! (Although right now I am on a knitting strike due to a certain sweater not turning out the way I wanted it to. Stupid sweater.)

Over the years I have had a love/hate relationship with social media. That continues, except this year I discovered how incredibly behind I am in understanding aspects such as the whole Instagram/Facebook Story thing, so there's that. I think I have posted like 2 of them the entire year. I have, however, come to understand my love for taking pictures is two-fold. One is that I love the creative aspect of taking pictures, and secondly, I snap pictures wishing that they would forever be engraved into my memories. Over the last year I have gained a new appreciation for the life I have been given and the lives and health of all of our children, as both my son and I were scanned for serious conditions this past year. (All tests and scans came back clean. Thank God!) They say the days are long, but the years are short. There's nothing like the fear of cancer to put that into perspective. Live in and enjoy the present. Even if the present is painful, it's proof of life. Pictures are a way I can document the life I have come to love and cherish so much. Even the not-so-great pictures.

I have learned that I am still strong-willed, and still hate being told "no" to things I truly want. I have further learned that it is ok to mourn over the end of a season, as long as I can rejoice in the coming one. I have been on the mountain top, and I have been in the valley. I have made new friends, and had to say goodbye to others. I have experienced joy amongst the sorrow of losing a friend who had suffered, yet suffers no longer. I didn't even know that was possible to feel joy while grieving. I am grieving her absence, but rejoicing in her being made whole with her Savior.
Like I said, I have learned and discovered many things this past year, but here is what I am walking away from this year with...In every season there are highs and lows. There is grace and sometimes grief. There are victories and there are challenges. There is progress and at times setbacks. Yet every moment, every second, every ache, every joy, there is God. He is my greatest take away. He is my absolute. Regardless of circumstance or season, He is who He says He is, I am who He says I am, and nothing can take that away. Peace out, 2018! That's a wrap!
Until Next Year, Beautiful!