This past Spring I turned 34. I don't feel 34! Though, many times over my body rudely reminds me that I am a 34 year old woman who has grown and birthed 6 kids. This may sound ridiculous, but my body has not bounced back like the body of the 31 year old mother of 5 I once was. The half marathon I'm currently training for lets me know it with each strike of the pavement. However, my mind and soul affirm me as I note the positive changes that have taken place over the last decade. Especially over this past Summer...
Age Matters, BUT Doesn't Define
I used to be afraid of getting old. Now, I am not afraid of aging as much as I am afraid of wasting time. Age is a rite of passage that we have the privilege of celebrating each year. It doesn't limit us by definition. Instead it opens a gateway to a limitless arena of experience and wisdom. Sure, our bodies may change over time, but we have the opportunity to embrace each new season with zeal!
Balance Is Overrated
Rest is not laziness. Laziness is laziness. |
One of the bigger lightbulbs that went off in our home this Summer was that balance isn't that healthy after all. To try to put our energy and efforts into everything we do, or want to do, evenly across the board is impossible! Not to mention exhausting. As we were killing ourselves trying to balance everything we had on our plate, we realized that each SEASON calls for something different. We decided first to recognize the season we are in, and then to channel our efforts accordingly. This means that things and/or certain routines may not work like they once did. Or that priorities might need to shift to focus on something or someone a little more intently right now. That's ok! It's ok to admit some things that once worked well just aren't jiving any longer. Drop that plate and move on!
The Present Has No Pause Button
Goals are a must. We need to have a target to shoot at when moving forward. I get that! However, the present is what's happening now. So, stop waiting until you've dieted for next year's bikini season, or checked off the list of all the things you wanted to change or do. Don't wait for the day when everything is just as you planned or you will miss out on all the great things that are happening around you now. Start taking steps in the direction of your goals, throw on that bikini in the mean time, and have some fun!
Let What You Do Reflect Who You Are
Who you are is amazing. You are unlike anyone else, and honestly I think that is awesome! After 34 years of life I am finally settling into who I am with confidence. I am ok with not being a super mom, or a super model. I am proud of where I am, and am secure in knowing where I am going. I am grateful for my great days, and grateful for grace on my bad ones. I am confident wearing a bikini that bears my scars from growing six children, and I appreciate the honor I had of doing so. I pursue excellence, but I loathe perfection. I choose to dream big, but hold those dreams loosely. I walk with my head up because I know who I am, and I want all that I do to reflect that.
Our present, and our future |
My husband and I are raising six children who we believe will change the world as they grow and blossom into the beings that their Maker has created them to be. We have 3 boys and 3 girls. We want them to see strong faith-filled and grace-filled parents who love them and who loves others. We are raising them to believe that they can do and accomplish great things. We live life where "the box" doesn't exist. We pursue greatness (not perfection) every day, and we encourage not only our children, but others around us to do the same. We try to model this so that they can see what that looks like. The Summer of 34 has been busy, exciting, and enlightening to say the least. I'm looking forward to the Summer of 35, and many to follow! I hope this season is treating you well, and as you make your way into the next, may you live well and finish strong!
Until next time, Beautiful.
Peace out, Summer! |
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