Wednesday, February 7, 2018

When Broken Becomes Beautiful

       I have lost count of how many dishes have been broken in our house. I've lost bowls, coffee mugs, and the most beautiful tea cups to accidental drops in the kitchen. Toys don't stand a chance. Walls become blank canvases to the artist's eye. Carpets are stained from life, and tables engraved with creativity. Through these years of having children in the home, a grace has grown for accidents. That doesn't mean that the frustration has diminished, that just means that the grace has increased when someone trips and their pizza flies through the air landing on my sofa. We've all witnessed things break, but have you ever seen a soul shatter? Maybe the soul of a child when you've snapped at them, or a person who has just had their heart broken. Maybe even your own, as life seems to keep coming at you. When a glass breaks, we might say a few choice words, but ultimately we sweep up the mess and move on. When a soul breaks it can't just be discarded. One of two things happens. The person remains broken, OR they don't, and they begin to heal and recover.
       I believe that there's beauty beyond the brokenness. We just have to lift our eyes to see past the present, and be brave enough to hold onto hope of the future. Physically speaking, one could take the broken pieces of glass, and create some mosaic masterpiece, or take an old pallet and furnish their apartment. (I don't know if I could actually do that, but Pinterest says it can be done, so it must be true!) The point being, just because something has been broken doesn't necessarily render it useless. The same goes for the soul. We've all been broken. Some of us have healed, some are in the process, and some live broken, but we've all known the sting of a break.
Be Brave; Be Beautiful
       Have you ever been walking through life when suddenly something triggers the sting of a past pain or failure? I know that's happened to me. I would patch it up, and keep going, but inevitably it would happen again. I didn't realize it, but I was living with an internal limp. There was brokenness that I hadn't identified, and it kept tripping me up at the most unexpected times. I got tired of having the same issues causing me pain, so I began to try to identify what the source of the pain was, and once I did, I wanted it healed and gone! As I started exploring some of the resources I had heard of regarding emotional healing, it hit me - all those amazing groups and books point back to the same solution! If I wanted the brokenness mended I would need to go to the only One who could redeem and restore. I read Luke 8:43-48, and I thought, "I want faith like that woman." (See below. It's good.) In my brokenness, I realized that this was not how I was intended to live. From that moment on, there was an aggravation, no, more of a contempt towards this hurt in my soul, and I wasn't going to live with it anymore. So, I didn't. I gave the pieces of my soul over to the One who could mend them, and I've never looked back. I still have the memories, just not the wounds.
       The beauty about the broken is that when Jesus puts the pieces back together they're never the same as they were before - they're better! When the woman He healed that day walked away, she was never the same again. She had engaged Jesus, and when He healed her, He sent her on her way with a beautiful story of redemption and restoration. He does the same with us. When we hand over our brokenness He responds with love, grace, and mercy, and if we are brave enough to walk in it we can't help but radiate beauty.
       Heartache, pain, brokenness, these are not what we were created for. We were created to carry out a purpose much greater than this. So, hand over the broken pieces, and be brave. When we are brave enough to trust Him, that's when broken truly becomes beautiful.

Until next time, Beautiful...

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