If you saw my last post, then you know that our family will be welcoming 3 orphaned kids from Ukraine into our home for the summer. The night we decided on the sibling group to be hosted, I sat with my husband scrolling through all the photos of all the kids waiting for host families. As I scrolled through what seemed to be an unending list of children, another young lady kept catching my eye. I decided to read her bio. It described her as funny and outgoing. It went on to say the she has a love for gymnastics and for music. There was a video of her singing, and she honestly has one of the sweetest voices I've heard. She had specifically requested a Christian family who loves music, which I found interesting because none of the others had made such specific requests. As I read on, I noticed something extra special about her. She had no left arm. I sat there silent for just a moment. In that moment I felt something swelling in my soul. There was sadness, which I expected, but what was rising within was faith. This young lady sat there so poised, and it was evident that God had gifted her with a voice. A young girl with such potential. If only there was someone who cared enough to believe for her more than she believes for herself. Someone to coach her along and cheer her on. Someone to recognize that there is more to her than what meets the eye. Someone who sees who God sees. To see beyond the orphan; beyond the broken. I wanted to be that person! I looked over at my husband and broke the silence by yelling out all of my thoughts. My kids walked by, and knowing their mother, said, "Dad, Mom wants to host all the orphans." They know me. He knows me. All or nothing, only in this case "all" was an impossibility, and "nothing" was out of the question. My husband looked at me and lovingly stated what I already knew, "We can't host them all, honey." I know. I know! The thought of leaving the one behind haunted me for the weeks that followed.
As our journey to welcome the 3 kids from Ukraine progressed, I couldn't help but check the photo listings to see if more kids were finding host families. Every time I looked with the hope that the young girl had been hosted, and each time I saw that beautiful young lady still in waiting. A week before the hosting closed, my son wanted to see if each child had been matched with a host family. As he pulled up the page, I asked him to please tell me that the young lady we had been praying for had been hosted. Sadly, she hadn't. I sighed. My son knew by that sigh what I was thinking.
Shortly after, the phone rang. God shows up in all kinds of ways, but that day it was by cell phone. It was someone whose prayers had been answered, and by their prayers being answered, so were mine. My husband walked through the door at that moment, and I told him of all the ways that our God was moving. I also mentioned the young lady still waiting for a family. He looked up from an email with a smile I'll never forget. That smile said, "Oh boy, what are we in for?" My son then chimed in, and spoke words that I can't seem to shake. He said, "It's only one more, but one more is one more."

Until Next Time...
P.S. So, pending our home study, we will be welcoming 4 children into our home this summer. Please keep us and these wonderful kids in your prayers. You can follow our journey here on the blog as well as Facebook and Instagram. You can also check out our progress at https://openheartsandhomes.managedmissions.com/MyTrip/schultzerichalahna1
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