One day, I was standing in my kitchen, and my oldest daughter came running in and held on to my waist so tightly that I almost couldn't breathe. As I embraced her, this feeling of love and gratitude flooded my heart to the point that it started pouring out of my eyes. I looked down at her remembering the all-day sickness that I had endured for the first five months of pregnancy, the bedrest, the scares of miscarriage, and the anxiety about my first natural birth. Then, in the same moment the words, "YOU ARE SO WORTH IT" replaced all of that. (Then the tears were ridiculous!) See, pregnancy was one of those "feat vs. fight" things for me. I love kids! However, I am not a fan of growing them in the first nine months. Quite frankly, I'm pretty sure that pregnancy hates me. The miracle that's taking place inside of my body feels more like an alien taking over my existence! I'm moody, I'm sick, I get bloated and fat, I'm tired, and the list goes on and on. HOWEVER, there are five points of pregnancy that I completely love- peeing on the stick and watching that second line appear, the day I can eat food again after barfing all day every day for the first five months, baby's first movements, finding out gender, and my absolute fave, delivery! Delivery day is the best because, though I know what's coming, I know what's coming! This is the moment that resolves the previous nine months. This is the moment that makes all the hardship SO worth it. This is the feat that outweighs the fight.
Something else happened in that moment when my daughter hugged me. I thought about God, His perception of me, and how He gave His son, Jesus, to redeem me. I wondered if he thought that I was worth the fight. If He felt the same way about me that I felt in that overwhelming moment about my own daughter. The very second those thoughts left me I felt Him speak these five words, "YOU ARE SO WORTH IT."
The days I screw up royally, I hold tight to these words. The days I feel victorious, I hold tight to these words. Grace is giving someone who is underserving something they don't deserve. That's what God gives us - His Grace. He doesn't change his opinion based on what we do, or don't do. He never says, "Today you're not really worth it." NEVER!
Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 8 years old. I am teaching her to walk in grace with her head held high because she IS and ALWAYS will be worth it! Not only in my eyes and my husband's, but in God's eyes. It is hard to overcome the bad days sometimes, but let us live in that place of worth and grace, and model such assurance for those around us. Because YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!
Until next time, Beautiful.

The days I screw up royally, I hold tight to these words. The days I feel victorious, I hold tight to these words. Grace is giving someone who is underserving something they don't deserve. That's what God gives us - His Grace. He doesn't change his opinion based on what we do, or don't do. He never says, "Today you're not really worth it." NEVER!
Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 8 years old. I am teaching her to walk in grace with her head held high because she IS and ALWAYS will be worth it! Not only in my eyes and my husband's, but in God's eyes. It is hard to overcome the bad days sometimes, but let us live in that place of worth and grace, and model such assurance for those around us. Because YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!
Until next time, Beautiful.