Welcome to my life. We aren't freaks by any means. We just fit the stereo type. Though we may, or may not, appear to live up to it on occasion. Sure, we have six kids. Sure, we homeschool. Why yes, my husband is a pastor. Yes, that giant green machine is our mode of transportation. BUT we have tattoos, listen to all kinds of music, do NOT make all of the females wear floor-length denim (not that there's anything wrong with that), and I promise we are super cool. At least I think we are.
My husband and I never set out to have a large family. Heck, I didn't even want kids! However, over the course of the journey our lives took some twists and turns, and we are better for them. Many people have one or two children. That's a great sized family. If the couple is feeling adventurous they may take the leap for a third. How wonderful! Then you have the folks who must have had a wild hair, and now have four children. They have now crossed the line into LARGE FAMILY. Once you've crossed the line, what's one more? Now there're five. Five! That's a handful! (Like I haven't heard that one before.) However, every so often you meet the couples who must be on a different wave length entirely. The ones who must have just kind of "lost it." These are the couples who have six plus kids. They're just freaks. I mean, who in their right mind would actually have six kids?! On purpose! Maybe they don't know how that happens. Maybe they don't own a t.v. Maybe a couple of them popped out without them noticing. Who knows, but whatever it is, it's odd. At least to some.
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My half dozen |
Sometimes we might find ourselves observing another family thinking one of two things. One, "Why can't our family be more like that?" Or two, "OMG, I can't imagine having a family like that!" Both can potentially cause a breakdown within you, or your pack. Be watchful of that. Your family has been uniquely knitted together with specific individuals just as every other family. Get into your groove, and do the dang thing! Live life to the fullest, embrace your adventures, and build each other up! Just remember that other families might have a different groove going on, and that's ok. Build them up too!
Our family may, at times, be a spectacle. I know that. That may, or may not have been one of mine rolling down the road on a skateboard, eating an apple, in the nude. I will neither confirm, or deny that. However, I know we have been called to be us; who God has created us to be. I love that! We teach our kids to take risks, strive for excellence (not perfection), love unconditionally, and give grace as we've been given grace. We are loud, adventurous, and a very silly bunch. (As long as no one messes with one of us. Then we are a pack of wolves.) God has taught us the value of people, love, kindness, respect, and grace through family. I encourage you to find your flow, throw your inhibitions to the wind, and let your freak flag fly! (In an appropriate sort of way. Don't get me in trouble!) Be proud of your family. If you come from a family who might have caused you harm, or maybe still does, I'm sorry. Keep moving forward, and hold onto hope for the future of a family of your own. You can still walk with your head held high knowing you are valuable. Embrace who you are being set apart to be. Oh, and if you ever see a kid on his skateboard, smile and wave. Who knows, it might be mine.
Until next time, Beautiful.
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We make our couch look like a love seat! |
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Our "better" behavior |
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