When someone hurts themselves, gets hurt by another, or gets bothered by something, we say, "Shake it off! You'll be ok!" Well, I do a lot of shimmying and shaking (don't try to visualize. It's not graceful.), but some days that just doesn't cut it. Some days go so horribly wrong that by the end of it you either have to laugh it off, or you'll end up being arrested.
Raise your hand if you've ever made a bad decision! (Get that hand up. I know I'm not the only one.) Ok, now who has made a decision that wasn't necessarily bad, but wasn't really a wise one? Me too. When we moved into our home two years ago, I was in charge of purchasing a new set of couches. This was extremely exciting to me because for the past decade of raising toddlers we've only ever purchased cheap, brown, cold, yet wipeable, couches. I was so blinded by my own excitement that I ran out and bought beautiful, bright, cream colored couches! You can imagine my husband's reaction. I made sure to inform him of the Scotch Guard coating I had invested in. The couches arrived, and I stood there soaking in the glorious view. A few months in, and those couches still looked new! I was pretty proud. Then it happened. My oldest asked me to follow him into the living room. What I saw next was something I will never EVER forget. My wonderful and artistic toddler was standing proud as a peacock with outstretched arms announcing, "PURPLE!" My eyes fell on the PURPLE masterpiece. All the kids were standing in silence waiting to see if our family would lose one of its members that day. I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was laughter! My children will never forget that day either because I'm pretty sure that reaction permanently stunned them. At that moment, my husband walked in the room. His response? "Wow, that's fantastic. (Insert sarcasm) Let's take it out to the road!"
He was so proud!
That day I received an A+ in the art of "Laughing it off." Though I haven't mastered it, I did learn a lot that day. First, never buy another light colored couch EVER again because after children there are grandchildren. Two, always splurge for the Scotch Guard! Whatever you do, invest in the Scotch Guard! And three, the spirit of a child is ALWAYS more valuable than any piece of furniture, or any other pricey item will ever be. Of course I spoke with my toddler about keeping the markers on paper, but that day he wasn't the only one who benefited from a lesson in mercy. We were able to take a crazy moment, and turn it into a teachable one. That, in and of itself, was mercy from the Master! That could have been a less than proud parenting moment (Not that I don't have some of those!), but God gave me grace in the moment. Honestly, that's probably what happens in every moment when laughter is the only solution to a potential apocalypse.
We all have days when we need to laugh off life. If you don't, then you should start a blog. I'd read it! Next time something, or someone, has got you ready to throw down, pause, and try, TRY to laugh it off. It just might be the difference between creating a memory, or starting a rap sheet. If that doesn't work there's always tissues and Ben & Jerry's! Try the laughing first though, because some things just don't deserve your tears, or anyone else's. As always, be strong, be bold, be you.
Until next time, Beautiful.
Thank God for washable markers AND SCOTCH GUARD! |
I enjoy reading your posts! You keep it engaging, relatable, encouraging, and real!- all without writing an entire book! Lol. You write a great blog for other moms who need to know they aren't alone:) Thanks for writing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words, and thank you for reading!
DeleteThis tickled my funny Bone. My little one did that to the walls. Unfortunately, there was not Scotch guard.
I wish I could spray everything I own in scotch guard! Haha!