MAYHEM. A noun meaning violent or damaging disorder; chaos. I don't know about you, but sometimes this is my life. This is definitely sometimes my life as a mom of 6 kids. I can honestly say that, yes, the environment can be violent or damaging especially when a teenage wrestling match breaks out, a toddler gets a hold of a sharpie, when your tweenage daughter has a sleepover, or when your 8 year old son runs you over on his motorized dirt bike. That actually happened, last week in fact.
I decided that since it was a beautiful afternoon I would go out for a relaxing run in my neighborhood. I put on some of my favorite music and went outside to prepare for my run. My two little girls decided they wanted to come, so a little less relaxing, but totally okay. I was on a mission to enjoy the day. My son decided he would zip through the neighborhood on his little motorized dirt bike as well. Great! The more the merrier! It was that kind of mood. I made it all of about 1/4 of a mile when my son took off and ran right into the back of me. As he slammed into me, the back of my calves took the impact. As I was falling backwards, he was flying forwards. We collided and somehow managed to stay upright. He immediately started panicking and crying. The girls stood in horror. I stood holding back the tears from the pain in my legs. I turned to the kids calming them all down. I told them to look me in the eyes, I was okay. I sent them home, and then I hobbled home after them. When I got home I started laughing. Honestly, I laugh at almost everything. My kid had just hit his mother with his dirt bike! So much for a relaxing run.
I am totally fine. After that, I was sore for a few days, but life continued. The older I get, the longer I stay sore from minor injuries. It's ridiculous. The following day I took the kids for a walk. He rode his dirt bike. Needless to say, I would periodically give him the side eye and give him a hard time for running his mom over. In case you don't know us very well, we joke. A lot. It's part of our love language. And that poor kid will never live this down. He's loved that much.
In my morning devotions that week I read a verse in 1 Thessalonians 5. It says, Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. I did not feel like rejoicing as I hobbled back home that day. The next day this verse was brought to mind as I walked my sore body back down the street watching for my son on his bike. As I watched my son zip around, my soul started rejoicing. This is the same boy I was praying over last year as he lay in his hospital bed with a shiny bald head while tons of medicines got pumped into his little body. He was dying. I didn't know if he would make it to Christmas, let alone his next birthday. But here he is riding and playing as he thrives this year. I was challenged last year with those same words from scripture. It was my goal to pray and give thanks no matter what. I didn't do it perfectly. I know that. I still don't. But those words are not conditional. It doesn't say rejoice, pray, and give thanks if life is going well. It's not suggesting that it's a good idea to rejoice and pray and give thanks. It is imperative. We are to rejoice, pray, and give thanks in ALL circumstances. Why? How? Because this is God's will for you and for me in Christ Jesus.
I remember this time last year, and this year has been an amazing year. Not in every way, but what year is? I know for some of you this year has been really hard in many different ways. My heart goes out to you. I know what hard and devastating seasons feel like. I also know what it is to rejoice, pray, and even give thanks during those seasons. It can be done. Jesus is the why and the how. If we set our eyes and stay close to Him in all circumstances, it is possible. Friends, I challenge you with this as I have been challenged. Whatever your circumstances, let's rejoice always because He makes a way where there is none, let's pray continually because He has given us access to His heart and healing, and let's give thanks that we are never alone. For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Until next time...
Lahni, this is inspires me to be thankful each morning for all my many blessings. Yes, we all walk through hard seasons, but our Father never leaves us. There's joy to be had in all situations, if we count our blessings and trust Him with our trials! Thank you for sharing.