This is it. This was my dream. He was, and is, my dream. I met him when I was 12. Actually, the first time I met him I was like, "No way." HOWEVER, a year later I saw him for the second time, and let's just say, my reaction was NOT like my first. I tried everything to get his attention, but to no avail. Until one day, when he realized what I had known all along- that I'm awesome, and he can't live without me!
By that point I considered myself somewhat of an expert on love. After all, I had watched all the movies, and had all the right songs on repeat. Young, crazy, and in love, we decided to get married. At 17 and 20 we tied the knot, took off to Costa Rica, and lived happily ever after. NOT! Shortly after we got back, we waited for our fairytale to unfold. However, instead of a love unfolding, it was more of a life unraveling. This was not a dream come true at all! This was a nightmare! Let's skip forward about 5 years. After waiting for our dreams to find us (which they didn't), we found out that the only chance we had at achieving any kind of
dreamy marriage was to make it happen. So, we did! Now, 17 years later, we have 6 kids, and we are building the happiest ever after imaginable!

I believe we need to "dare to dream," and even "chase our dreams," but I also believe that sometimes we just need to tackle our dreams. I mean, like an angry linebacker in the super bowl kind of tackle! Chase that dream down like you're on an episode of "COPS," and tackle that sucker! Dreams don't come true without a little (or a lot) of pursuit. So, go get it, girl!
Honestly, I have had many dreams come true, but I've also had many crash and burn. So, I understand not all dreams are in the realm of possibilities. Although I believe many are. Or at least a version of them. For example, we might not be able to become instant millionaires, but we can pay off debts, and save. We might not be able to erase our pasts, but we have the power to change our futures. What are your dreams? A happily ever after? A better job, or promotion? What about travel, or relocating? God has dreams for each and every one of us, and with a little faith, courage, and pursuit such dreams can become reality. It might not be easy, but it's possible.
You might be thinking, " Well, what about the dreams that are out of my control?" To that I say, there are dreams that can be achieved by pursuit, and then there are dreams that, at best, become prayers. Such circumstances are out of our control. What
is in our control is the ability to make sure that the child with no tomorrow has a great today, or the loved one who struggles day in and day out knows that they are loved. Like I said, some dreams may not come to pass, but we can aim high knowing that we took a shot.

When my husband and I realized that our dreams were within reach, we started tackling those things left and right. Some we had to let go of, and God has given grace in those areas even replacing previous dreams with new ones. Some dreams are still in the making, and we continue to move towards them. No dream is ever too big, or too small. So, take heart, keep dreaming, and tackle your dreams! May God give grace where it's needed, and the strength to take on the mighty and wonderful things He has for you!
Until next time, Beautiful.