Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Never say...

       I said I would never blog. Ever. Yet, here I am, sitting at my desk while the kiddos sleep, setting up a blog! You see, there are wise people, and then there are people who constantly use the word "never". I will NEVER marry a guy like that. I am NEVER having kids. I am NEVER living in a small town. I am NEVER going to homeschool. I am NEVER going to be a pastor's wife. You get the picture. I am obviously the latter. I married "that" guy, we settled on an even half dozen kids (Yes, six. That wasn't a typo.), we live in a small town, I homeschool said children, my husband pastors a church, I now have a blog, AND I wouldn't change a thing! I love it! All of it! I even drive what looks like a shuttle bus because we just weren't stereotypical enough.
       My point is this, we all have plans, or goals for our lives, but sometimes things change. People change, circumstances change, dreams change, and you just have to go with it. You have a purpose, and sometimes our setting has to shift in order for us to see who we really are, and what we're made of. Whether you are loving life, or barely breathing, embrace the journey. You don't know what lies ahead, but whatever it is, it's yours. So, take a deep breath, grab on with both hands, and own it.

Until next time, Beautiful.


  1. Haha!! I am sooooo with you on the "never say".... I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS said I'd "NEVER" live in the south!!! And here I am.... and (gasp) I have fallen in love with it (minus the extreme heat and bugs! Lol!! But absolutely the culture!!) ....I will continue to say "I'll never live in Hawaii again" ��

    1. Yes! I will try this with, "I will never be a millionaire!" ;) I'll let you know how that works out!
