Monday, March 13, 2017

Optimism And Bird Guts...

       We've all had "those" days. The days when you wake up with a smile ready to greet the day with optimism, but you end up with dead birds. Ok, maybe that's just me, but we all have days when everything we touch either spills, breaks, or injures us. Sometimes all of the above! I have "those" days quite often around here. Actually, now that I think about it, "those" days have become the new normal for us. We are a family of eight. This means life is never boring. Ever. We are loud, loving, adventurous, opinionated, and always shooting for optimism. We might miss, but we try.
       The other day, was a day we were really reaching for optimism. It was a day full of messes, moods, and meltdowns. A, "Why do you hate me, God?!" kind of day. I know I can't be the only one who has days of drama like this, so don't judge me. My husband, being the amazing guy he is, told me to go grab the biggest latte I could find (we had a free drink on our account), and while I was out, to grab some pizzas. My love for him grew leaps and bounds that day. So, I loaded up the kids in our giant, green vehicle (Yes, green. It's Starbucks green, so that makes it ok.), ordered the pizzas, and cranked the radio. I pulled up to Starbucks, ordered the biggest latte ever, and then found out the freebie had expired. Nooooooo!!!!! I angrily handed over my cash, and drove on to get the pizzas. The coupon I had for the pizzas wasn't expired, so there was my silver lining for the day. As I was driving home with my pizzas and my million dollar latte, I exhaled loudly, "It's ok. Days like today make me LOVE and APPRECIATE the great ones!" The words hadn't even left my lips, and SPLAT! I hit a bird. I looked over at the kids' faces wondering if they had noticed. Of course they had. I hear, "Mom! You killed a bird!" My response? Laughter. Full on, mad lady, lock her up in the loony bin, laughter! I tried to keep a straight face to console the children, but I couldn't! They stared at me, and finally said, "Well, at least it was only one!" Optimism!!!! And bird guts.
       When we can't seem to change our course, we can change our outlook. Find optimism where it can be found, and seek grace when it seems hidden. Any day is a good day if it doesn't end in murder, right? If all else fails, remember tomorrow is coming. New days, new mercies!

Until next time, Beautiful

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